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Arthur Richardson - May RICHARDSON
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60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ARTHUR & MAY RICHARDSON 21st March 1953 It started with a simple ring, many years ago,And now you have a treasure chest that's begun to overflow.For 25 years of married bliss, much silver did you store,And then you reached your 40th, with ruby stones galore!You travelled through life to 50 years of happy wedded blissYour treasure grew with golden gifts, to toast your happinessAnd now you've reached that special day, that's only seen by few60 years together, now its diamonds for both of you.But the treasure that you value most isn't jewels, silver or goldBut the love you have for each other, that has never grown old!Congratulations on your Diamond Wedding Anniversary We love you loads from Jane & Paul, Peter & Gail, Alan & Jennifer, Ryan, Lucy, Sarah, Kate, Abigail, Ellie, Lydia, Ben, Peter and Sally Sadie, Oliver Ethan and Emily and not forgetting Dusty and Jackson xxxxxxxxx .
Viewed by: 612 visitors. Uploaded: 11 years ago
Published in: Manchester Evening News.
Published from: March 21, 2013.
Region: North West
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